Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Freeze Event Tonight

Freeze event is scheduled for tonight! 7pm. DCPA grounds. Dancing white aliens. We talk, then we march, then we freeze. Will post pictures and/or video soon! Come down and see us!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

PIC Freeze

PIC's Freeze Event is taking place June 9th at the DCPA in front of the Buell Theatre. More information can be found on the Facebook page. June 9 is the night RENT opens so hopefully there will be a ton of people there. We'll keep you posted! :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

And the Winner is...

Our poll for our first event is almost complete and a clear winner (unless some atmospheric phenomenon happens) is for us to have an Imaginary Gun Fight! I'm going to start working out the details and getting things together. I can't wait!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Poll Open!

Within 24 hours of making this group we already have over 140 members. You guys rock! This is awesome and I am totally excited to make our first event.

So I ask you, our members, to vote for your favorite event on the poll to the left. It will be up for the duration of the month so think long and hard. After you cast your vote and we will begin preparations for our first event!

Can't wait!

Non-members are welcome to vote as well so don't worry. :D


Short Blurb About Each Event:

Note: All of these events should be done with at least 50 people.

Freeze: A large group (50+) of 'ordinary' people freeze in place for a certain amount of time. Doing various things (tie shoe, drop paper, eat sandwich, etc.) No moving. Nothing for around 5 minutes. On cue they freeze and on cue they unfreeze and leave the scene.

Slow-Motion: Same concept as Freeze but instead they are moving in slow motion.

Nap: A large group of people go into an area and begin taking a nap. PJ's, pillows, slippers are an option for maximum effect, but 'ordinary' looking people is acceptable too.

Imaginary Gun Fight: Mission Impossible style. Finger guns. Large group go into a one block radius and begin shooting (complete with sound effects) their finger guns at each other. When hit you must die in the most dramatic way possible and lay there until everyone is dead. Best with 50+ people.

Yoga: Large group goes onto a block and unrolls their yoga mats and begins doing yoga at the same time.

Trip/Fall: On cue, everyone in the scene trips and falls, gets back up, and trips and falls again. Then leaves the scene embarrassed.

Meditation: Similar to Yoga. No mats. Just the group sits down wherever they are and begins to meditate for 5 minutes.

Lost Contact Lense: This is more of a scene. One woman announces loudly that she has lost her contact lense. People periodically help her. Crawling on the ground. Searching everywhere. Eventually everyone in the scene is forming a massive search for a contact lense. One person (previously assigned) finds the lense and returns it. Then everyone goes back to their normal routine.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Public Improv Blog is Up

Public Improv Colorado is a new public improv group starting up in Denver. This is birthed from inspiration gathered from the NYC improv group called Improv Everywhere. We will be conducting events soon in the Denver area. Our first event will be taking place in Mid-May. We can be found on Facebook and soon on Myspace. This blog will be updated with info regarding recent events, videos, and upcoming events. Please feel free to comment or email for more info.

Contact us via email at imaginationvomit@gmail.com or through any of our other networking sites:


